The great awakening

2020- The revolutionary year as I had called it earlier this year, is beginning to show itself globally and that my dear royalties is a massive revolution. We have to know death to understand life and vice versa. Everything happening now is a necessary catalyst for the Planet’s transformation. It all depends on how you perceive it.

We as humans, haven’t been very kind to this earth. Pollution, deforestation, millions of animals (wild and domesticated) slaughtered at any given moment, we’re kind of parasitic, and this is kind of the earths way of clearing out a lot of the problems, nature always finds a way.

For a long time, we have heard about the awakening and it’s shenanigans. But during recent times, it’s becoming louder even with the silence..

So many things are happening simultaneously but do not get distracted. {Be still for I am God}. How else would you listen and observe what part of your life needs to be changed/ transformed if your life were to just go on forever without this very necessary break?Where people see the fear ( a virus) , I see a rebirth of the new Earth, The evolved words, i see a new world ( which also means, a new world order a.k.a light and dark ).

Here is what I mean literally, we had to be locked down in every layer of our beings for this to take place which simply put — spiritually, mentally and physically. ( ie..Death)

We are being pulled back and forth mentally, physically and of course spiritually during these trying times. Oh,and guess what had to happen for humans to remember our “CORE VALUES”? A “VIRUS”— ( which I call a “divide-us”).

It all started with the usual instilling of fear” — (attacking you spiritually), then mentally-( attacking how you think — news, media etc) .. lastly a physical lockdown ( isolating you from your friends, co-workers and general public as a whole ) .. Are you getting this ??

Now, this is why I’ll call it a gift and a curse,which is all about balance.Universal balance!

You see, the gift is, now you have time to sort out your issues, look yourself in the mirror and face your self, face your fears, get really comfortable with your life decisions, or even uncomfortable.

Then the curse, is — not being able to go back to the life you once thought you “ had”. (Keyword- YOU THOUGHT”)..

Times have indeed changed and now I guess the great awakening is speaking for itself. The old leaves are falling off for the freshly planted seeds to grow beautifully. I’m sorry to disappoint you but life will never be the same again after this whole phenomenon and if you still expect to go back to the way things are “YOU THOUGHT” wrong. Old systems are all broken. Just by the click of one button on the news or social media, the whole world was put on isolation yet people do not seem to understand the power behind the “internet”.

You have to know separation to know oneness. (ie..You had to be isolated to be more in tune with yourself ). Now is the time to unite with your star player! Your creator! Your highest self. Because, THIS IS A WHOLE NEW WORLD.

This is not only a wake up call to conscious communities, but a UNIVERSAL WAKE UP CALL from those in command because of the rate at which the whole world is awakening. There is a huge mass awakening happening and its never happened at this rate. Of course, people will try to stop or slow it down.. Hence, the economic crisis..You’re isolated for a reason. Use it wisely because when you’re released, nothing will ever be the same again. Nothing ! Companies will begin to cut down staffs, banks will cease to be banks, schools will be shutdown totally, robots taking over most jobs,human beings micro-chipped,etc.. Remember, it is the Age of Aquarius ♒️ and It is a time for innovation, creativity and inventions. So yes! Nothing will ever be the same again. Are you ready?!

Arise o Compatriots and take back your power! Learn about your history so you can create your future. Life is finite for a reason. Nothing lasts forever. Do all you can now to be a better person to yourself and loved ones because when there are mass awakenings it also means there will be mass deaths ( Balance) ..Find your purpose and be of service because that’s what’s most important. Learn to grow and help others grow because in the end that’s all that matters.

Remember in the end no one is getting out of life, Alive.

This is the great awakening! Stay safe, remain healthy, stay positive, be kind and of course be conscious 👁

Welcome to the new world!

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